Minor characters are named characters whose faces do not appear in the game.
Baudelere is a company that builds speedboats. A chyron on a terminal south of Goldwalk Promenade, dated 06-25-67 at 15:48, reads "Baudelere Unveils New Model-9 PWC." Red commandeers a Baudelere Type-8 PWC from the pier at the Empty Set.
Coby Tessel[]
Coby Tessel is the manager of the Empty Set. On 04/22/67 at 20:41, Tessel posted a final-round poll to choose whether Red or Facsimile would headline the venue next month. The poll can be accessed at the OVC Terminal in the Empty Set.
Facsimile was downtown Cloudbank's hottest act. They made it to the final round of voting for next month's headlining act at the Empty Set, losing to Red. If the player is connected to the internet, the results of the poll are determined via the votes of other players. Red currently always wins the poll, though dialogue from Unknown does exist and is programmed to be played in the situation that Facsimile is winning. The poll can be accessed at the OVC Terminal in the Empty Set.
Highrise Hammers[]
The Highrise Hammers are a sports team whose troubled star quarterfielder, Olmarq, is reported to have recently retired. They are the challengers in the pennant play-offs against the Sunset Clientele. An 06/27/67 post by Amelia Garbur, available on a terminal near the Selection Office, notes the Central Authority's unexplained postponement of their upcoming match, assuring ticket holders of a complimentary gift and resumption of the season soon. Red, a Hammers fan, comments at the terminal that there is "no way the Clientele are going to beat us anyway."
Q. Precht[]
The body of Q. Precht, a person with a patient disposition, is found in the Amphitheater Parkway outside the Empty Set. Precht explains to Unknown that he had been wiped out by "the Process." Unlike Lillian Platt and Preston Moyle, Precht is already 84% processed and "too far gone" for his Trace to be integrated. Though no Function is associated with him, he is the first person to refer to the Process by name. Leftover strings in the game's scripts suggest Load() was originally Q. Precht's Trace's Function.
Sunset Clientele[]
The Sunset Clientele are the defending champions in the pennant play-offs against the Highrise Hammers. An 06/27/67 post by Amelia Garbur, available on a terminal near the Selection Office, notes the Central Authority's unexplained postponement of their upcoming match, assuring ticket holders of a complimentary gift and resumption of the season soon. Red, a Hammers fan, comments at the terminal that there is "no way the Clientele are going to beat us anyway."
Walther Nees[]
Walther Nees is a Chief Inspector in Cloudbank. According to an 06/26/67 post by Amelia Garber, Nees had praised the 18th Precinct's work investigating problems that had led to the evacuation of Goldwalk, calling the investigation "the most thorough procedure ever conducted on my watch."