Transistor Wiki

Spark() is a Function of the Transistor. It is obtained by absorbing the Trace of Lillian Platt in the Goldwalk Promenade.

Spark() is a mid-ranged offensive Function. It shoots a projectile at the point of impact that then explodes into several smaller projectiles. While relatively weak in damage, its quick execution time and decent range make it a very versatile Function.

Installing Spark() as an Upgrade to most other Functions will make them split into smaller, weaker versions of themselves upon use.

Installing Spark() in a Passive slot will spawn a User Copy after taking damage, which the Process will prioritize targeting over the User. Spark()'s Copies are similar to those of the YoungLadies', in that they appear to be gray translucent clones of the User. They have 20 HP and cannot move or attack.


Slot Type Description Stats Global Use Rate
Active Launch fast unstable shells that split into explosive particles. >Base Damage: 60

>Blast Radius: 325

>Turn() Planning Cost: 20

Upgrade Split and subdivide most Functions for greater results. View UPGRADES section for specific details. 22%
Passive Spawn a Copy when attacked, diverting nearby Targets. > Spawn Copy When Attacked

> Copy Life: 20

Cooldown: 1.5 Sec


Turn() Information[]

Spark()'s Turn() information is as follows:

  • Spark() deals damage at its point of impact, and more in the surrounding area
  • Spark() is effective against bunched-up Targets
  • Spark() has a high rate of fire, making it effective outside of Turn()
  • Spark() may be used on other Functions to divide or multiply their effects
  • Spark() is effective against larger Targets
  • Use Spark() in a Passive Slot to spawn copies when struck
  • Spark() does not deal bonus damage from backstabbing


Power jumper Spark() + Bounce() Stats
Spark() will ricochet from its point of impact, causing a secondary impact. > Number of Jumps: 1
> Jump Range: 350
Power snipe01 Spark() + Breach() Stats
Spark() will fire farther and with more velocity. > Range: 200%

> Projectile Velocity: 200%

Power slam01 Spark() + Crash() Stats
Spark() will briefly make Targets more vulnerable to other Functions. > Target Vulnerable: 1.5 Sec
Power uppercut Spark() + Cull() Stats
Spark() will deal more damage and send Targets flying upward. > Max. Damage: 125%
> Upward Impact
Power orb Spark() + Flood() Stats
Spark() will fan out into several Flood() projectiles at its point of impact. > Flood() Projectiles: 5
> Base Damage: 25 per Sec
> Range: 100
Power hook Spark() + Get() Stats
Spark() will deal more damage to distant Targets at the point of impact. > Max. Range Damage: 200%
Power summon Spark() + Help() Stats
Spark() will gain a 50% chance to prevent Cells from spawning. > Cell Destroy Chance: 50%
Power blink 01 Spark() + Jaunt() Stats
Spark() will be usable during Turn() recovery. > Usable in Turn() Recovery
Power bomb Spark() + Load() Stats
Spark() will deal more damage in an even larger blast radius. > Max. Damage: 110%
> Blast Radius: 40%
Power hide Spark() + Mask() Stats
Spark() will very briefly render the User undetectable. > User Stealth: 0.6 Sec
Power sidearm Spark() + Ping() Stats
Spark() will be more efficient to plan during Turn() and faster in real time. > Turn() Cost Reduced: 25%
> Attack Speed: 120%
Power tracker Spark() + Purge() Stats
Spark() will slow Targets, dealing damage over time. > Damage Over TIme: 40 in 2.0 Sec
> Target Slowed: 70%
Power clusterbomb01 Spark() + Spark() Stats
Spark() will cause Spark() particles to burst into more Spark() particles. > Tertiary Blast Damage: 40
Power charm Spark() + Switch() Stats
Spark() will briefly switch Targets’ allegiance to the User's. > Charm Duration: 5.0 Sec
Power heal Spark() + Tap() Stats
Spark() will siphon some life points from Targets. > LifeSteal: 2%
Power void Spark() + Void() Stats
Spark() will deal significantly more damage to Targets. > Max. Damage: 150%

Spark() as an Upgrade[]

Power jumper Bounce() + Spark() Stats
Bounce() will spawn chaotic jumping Spark() particles from each Target struck. > Particles per Hit: 3
> Jumps per Particle: 2
> Particle Damage: 5
Power snipe01 Breach() + Spark() Stats
Breach() will fan out multiple projectiles that do more damage up close. > Projectiles: 3
> Damage Reduced: 50%
Power slam01 Crash() + Spark() Stats
Crash() will fan out multiple projectiles that are more damaging at close range. > Projectiles: 3
> Damage Reduced: 50%
Power uppercut Cull() + Spark() Stats
Cull() will cause chaotic blasts in the target area. > Chaotic Blasts: 4
> Blast Damage: 100
Power orb Flood() + Spark() Stats
Flood() will fan out several smaller storm spheres. > Base Damage: 60 per Sec
> Projectiles: 3
Power hook Get() + Spark() Stats
Get() will fan out multiple projectiles that draw in Targets. > Projectiles: 3
> Damage Reduced: 50%
Power summon Help() + Spark() Stats
Help() will summon two smaller Friends, each capable of planning in Turn(). > Friends Spawned: 2
> Bark() Dmg. Reduced: 25%
Power blink 01 Jaunt() + Spark() Stats
Jaunt() will rain Spark() particles along the User's path. > Spark() Damage: 40
Power bomb Load() + Spark() Stats
Load() will form several multiple smaller Packets at a time. > Packets Spawned: 3
> Damage Reduced: 50%
Power hide Mask() + Spark() Stats
Mask() will automatically launch a powered-up Spark() when the effect ends. > Spark() Damage: 115
Power sidearm Ping() + Spark() Stats
Ping() will fan out multiple projectiles that are more damaging at close range. > Projectiles: 3
> Damage Reduced: 50%
Power tracker Purge() + Spark() Stats
Purge() will launch two smaller parasites toward multiple Targets. > Purge() Parasites: 2
> Purge() Damage: 60 in 1.5 Sec
> Target Slowed: 70%
Power charm Switch() + Spark() Stats
Switch() will fan out multiple projectiles. > Projectiles: 3
Power heal Tap() + Spark() Stats
Tap() will fire out multiple blasts of the effect. > Damage Instances: 3
> Damage per Instance: 75
Power void Void() + Spark() Stats
Void() will automatically stack multiple instances of its effects. > Effect Stacks: x2

Function Files[]


One of the preeminent scientific minds in Cloudbank, Ms. Lillian Platt was the youngest-ever individual to be elected as Chairwoman of the OVC Board. Under her leadership, the number of OVC Terminals in Cloudbank more than doubled, and the quality of the broadcast strengthened more than fourfold. However, she then became the youngest-ever individual to leave the post, as she tendered a resignation in less than two years to pursue extracurricular interests. In private conversations, several of her former colleagues indicated that Ms. Platt left following the sudden disappearance of a close personal friend, Mr. Maximilias Darzi, who according to official OVC transcripts decided one day to move to the Country.

Actions Taken[]

Personal records show Ms. Platt was preoccupied with certain rumors and urban legends concerning an unusual phenomenon sighted in the northwestern corner of the city, and possible connections between this and the rash of disappearances during the past 12 months. For undisclosed reasons she did not wish to involve the authorities. Her access to privileged OVC information may have contributed to her decision. Other records show she engaged in clandestine discussions with individuals claiming to have knowledge of the circumstances surrounding her friend's disappearance. She arranged to meet with them one night at an unmarked port near Goldwalk Bay.


Ms. Platt never learned the truth about her vanished friend, although in a brief moment she did learn the truth about the unusual phenomenon. To the Camerata, Ms. Platt was more of a meddler than an opportunity, one of a scarce few who held some knowledge of their movements. When the time came, they made sure that they were nowhere near her last known location. According to OVC, Ms. Platt has been missing for more than two weeks, and the trail has gone cold. Incidents of foul play have occurred less than once a year on average for the last 10 years, but authorities have not yet ruled it out in this case.


  • Internally, Spark() is known as "Clusterbomb."
  • Royce Bracket uses Spark() in his showdown with Red.


Bark() Bounce() Breach() Crash() Cull() Flood() Get() Help() Jaunt() Kill() Load() Mask() Ping() Purge() Spark() Switch() Tap() Void()
