Transistor Wiki

Transistor's Steam release debuted several themed Steam Community Market items. This includes Trading Cards, Profile Backgrounds, Badges, Emotes and a cosmetic for the now-inactive Salien Game event. All items except the Badges may be traded, bought and sold by Steam users.

Profile Backgrounds, as their name suggests, may be used as backgrounds for players' Steam profiles. The Emotes may be used in text by players that own them anywhere on Steam. Transistor's Profile Backgrounds and Emotes are available for purchase with Steam Points on Steam's Points Store. Each background costs 500 points, and each emote costs 100 points. These items can alternatively be obtained as random drops during Badge crafting (previously, before the introduction of the Point Store, this had been the only means of obtaining them.)

Every player that owns Transistor on Steam may obtain up to three randomly selected Trading Cards (called "drops") at any point while playing the game. Purchasing the Transistor Booster Pack allows players to obtain three more Card drops. There is a very small chance of said Card drops containing a rarer, more expensive Foil version of any Card. Completing the Card set via trading or buying the remaining Cards of the set allows the player to craft a Badge, which may be displayed on the player's Steam profile page. There are six craftable Badges, each requiring a full set of Cards to be crafted: the first five are considered different levels of the same Badge, and are crafted via leveling up the initial Badge, while the sixth is a Foil Badge, and can only be obtained by crafting a full Foil Card set. The Badge changes permanently when leveled up or changed into a Foil Badge.



Image Title Description Rarity Information
Cell emote :cell: Process Cell Common Depicts a Cell alongside an orange exclamation point.
Hey Red Emote :heyred: Hey Red! Common Depicts Red. It's name quotes the game's opening line.
Yikes Emote :yikes: Yikes! Common Depicts the Transistor's "eye." It's name quotes Unknown's reaction to the Process.
Prism Emote :prism: Jacket not included. Uncommon Depicts the golden triangle motif seen throughout the game, called 'prism' here. It's description mentions Unknown's jacket.
Transistor Emote :transistor: The Transistor Rare Depicts the Transistor's lower circuitboard-like component.

Trading Cards[]

Card Foil Card Name Card Number Description
Steam Trading Card Sybil Preview Steam Trading Card Sybil Foil Sybil 1 of 5 Known in elite social circles throughout Cloudbank, she organized many of the city's popular public events.
Steam Trading Card Grant Preview Steam Trading Card Grant Foil Grant 2 of 5 He was one of the longest-tenured public servants in the administration's recorded history.
Steam Trading Card Red Preview Steam Trading Card Red Foil Red 3 of 5 When asked about her past and influences, she would often say her work spoke for itself.
Steam Trading Card Asher Preview Steam Trading Card Asher Foil Asher 4 of 5 Most children learn to stop asking 'why', but he never outgrew it.
Steam Trading Card Royce Preview Steam Trading Card Royce Foil Royce 5 of 5 Once there was a great engineer. Arithmetic was his medium and a city was his canvas.
Transistor Booster Pack
Transistor Booster Pack - -

Trading Card Art[]

Profile Backgrounds[]

Image Title Description Rarity Information
Cloudbank Background Cloudbank Everyone has a voice in Cloudbank. Common Art of Cloudbank as seen through the in-game telescope in Goldwalk. The description quotes a line from the game's Reveal Trailer.
Process Terminated Background Process Terminated Location Data Unavailable Common Art of Red and the Transistor as seen in the in-game exp screen, beside a black-and-teal depiction of Cloudbank. The description quotes the combat over location data as seen on the exp screen for Red's fifth encounter with the Process in Goldwalk.
Red Mural Background Red Mural We're not going to get away with this are we. Common Art of Red as seen in in-game OVC Terminals, alongside unique art of the Transistor. The description quotes the game's opening line.
The Transistor Background The Transistor The one and only. Uncommon Unique art of the Transistor alongside what appears to be smoke. The description quotes a cut line of Unknown dialogue meant for the game's opening sequence.
Access Point Background Access Point Setup Utility Activated Rare
Art of the Transistor as seen when accessing Access Points in-game. The description quotes the UI overlay displayed when Red uses the game's first Access Point.


Image Ttile Description Information
Red's Gold Dress Steam Item Red's Gold Dress Originally tailored from the finest digital materials exclusively for Cloudbank's most famous singing sensation, this luxurious gown is now available in sizes suitable for all Saliens. This item was part of the Salien Game, an event for that year's Steam Summer Sale, the duration of which was from July 21st 2018 to July 5th 2018. During this event Steam users were given a Salien character, and were granted random cosmetic items every time said Salien leveled up. This Transistor themed cosmetic was made available during the event.


  • The Emotes use a distinct pixel style not seen anywhere in the game.
  • The description of the Red's Gold Dress item provides suggests that Cloudbank and its citizens may be entirely digital elements. Given its nature as a cosmetic item for an external limited time event, it's unclear if this is canon.
  • The Trading Cards are listed as "Series 1" despite being the sole existing series/set.
  • The Trading Cards' descriptions quote each character's Function Files.