"One of the greats." -- Unknown
The Spine is the fourth track in the album Transistor: Original Soundtrack. Its instrumental release is the fourth track in the album Transistor: Original Soundtrack (Extended). The Spine was written and produced by Darren Korb, with vocals provided by Ashley Barrett, and is used both in the game's promotional materials and in the game itself.
In the game's storyline, The Spine, like the soundtrack's other songs with vocals, is a song written and performed by Red. Unknown, who knows the song, later nicknames The Spine after its lyrics.
Official lyrics from the Bandcamp album release:
It's just skin and bones
Nothing inside
Sleeping alone
Fingers tied themselves
In knots around the heart
It beats in time
I see the spine of the world
Sparkle and shine light the inside
I see the spine of the world
I know it's mine, twisted and tied
You always go
Walking on coals
Walk away slow
Feel the fire
Light your way to me
My siren song for you
I see the spine of the world
Sparkle and shine, light the inside
I see the spine of the world
I know its mine twisted and tied
I see the spine
So come with me
We'll fly right over
Right over
Watch it break
If we get closer
Much closer
I see the spine of the world
Sparkle and shine light the inside
I see the spine of the world
You know it's mine twisted and tied
The Spine was the first song with lyrics written for Transistor; the music was later rewritten "pretty substantially" while keeping the lyrics and melody the same.[1] An orchestral rendition was released as part of Supergiant Games' 10th Anniversary Album, The Songs of Supergiant Games.
In the game, the song was originally written by Red and has been a well-liked part of her repertoire. It is first heard as part of the soundtrack when Red examines a promotional poster of herself in Goldwalk Promenade. Red can also unlock the song in the Sandbox and play it on the Music Player; upon hearing it there, Unknown may remark that it is "classic."
While under the effects of the Spine in Highrise, Unknown refers to the creature as "The Spine of the world...." shortly before Red is first attacked by the Spine's tail. The creature is referred to as the Spine from then on. Unknown later remarks "I see the Spine...", once again quoting the song's lyrics in reference to the monster.
After Red's return to Goldwalk, Unknown, once again under the Spine's influence, may sing parts of the song when Red Hums.
Transistor Soundtrack | |
Vocal Tracks | In Circles (_n C_rcl_s) · Paper Boats · She Shines · Signals · The Spine · We All Become |
Instrumental Tracks | Apex Beat · Blank Canvas · Coasting · Cut Apart · Dormant · Forecast · Gateless · Gold Leaf (G_ld L__f) · Heightmap · Impossible · Interlace · Old Friends · Sandbox · Stained Glass · Tangent · Traces · Vanishing Point (V_n_sh_ng P__nt) · Water Wall |
Unreleased Tracks | Dread1 · HighriseStingerShort · MysteryStingerAuden |
Unused Track | HighriseStinger |
Albums | Transistor: Original Soundtrack · Transistor: Original Soundtrack Extended · The Songs of Supergiant Games |